The Crew



An avid hiker, recreational paddler and sports fisherman, I have always had a love for adventure and challenge. I’ve climbed and stood atop Washington States three highest peaks, participated in triathlons, marathons and Grand Fondo’s. Being active is religion, and its engrained in my day to day life.

This challenge is epic on many levels and despite the physical training regimen I have sustained and subtle diet changes, it is also about mentally training myself to be comfortable with the uncomfortable. I have a genuine fear and anxious attitude towards what lies ahead. Day to day this changes and what is exhilaration today, turns to anxiety the next. Regardless, I know it’ll be no different than other ‘firsts’ in life. Fear is good…fear is normal…and without it, its hard to keep risk thresholds in check.

I want to thank the sponsors, volunteers and donors who have all made this adventure possible and supported it from its inception to present day.

IVY VUU – Blog/Site Administrator


I have been reading and writing poetry since I was seven years old. “Come forth into the light of things, and let nature be your teacher.”  I didn’t write that – a prolific romanticist did. My favourites include Wordsworth, Layton, Wah and Crozier.

I also find poetic moments in the adventure of marathon training, the stillness between each breath, and the precarious balance of tree pose.  I am not one of those yogi’s who warms up with hand stands.  In fact, I am more likely to be the one giggling in the corner when someone farts in downward facing dog.

I will be blogging for Row4Autism and look forward to sharing a haiku or two.

When I’m not running or practicing yoga, I work as a Community Youth Development Worker, and am the proud aunt of a beautiful boy who is affected by autism.  Since my nephew’s birth nine years ago, he has retaught me over and over the concept of beginner’s mind – that each moment we are granted the opportunity to feel alive, to love, to laugh and to be amazing as our imperfect selves.

ANDREW SANTOS – Lead Videographer


My name is Andrew Santos, I’m 19 years old from Burnaby, B.C. At a young age I picked up a camcorder and started filming my friends snowboarding and mountain biking. It was then that I discovered my passion for filmmaking. I have since created hundreds of videos ranging from rap music videos to weddings plus a lot more.  Some of my past awards include Viewers Choice for the Filmmaker Showdown at Grouse Mountain, Dirt Diaries Finalist at Whistler Crankworx, and overall best film at the BC Student Film Festival. This past summer I got to be a part of the video production crew for Camp of Champions at Whistler Mountain and also shot onsite video of the Simon Fraser University Men’s soccer team in Costa Rica. Currently I am building my craft at the Vancouver Film School through their Digital Design Program. To view my demo reel check out the link here:

MIN LI – Communications/Logistics Coordinator


Min has an extensive background in both commerce and computer technology. Always one who pays attention to detail, he will be headlining all weather communications for the expedition. As a father himself, he leads a committed and active lifestyle and invests a lot of his time into his family and children.  He will play a key role in the safety of the expedition.

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